Sunday, July 3, 2011

World's longest sea bridge opens to traffic in China

( Can someone build a smaller one for Vieques-Puerto Rico?MJ)

That is a bridge too far: World's longest sea bridge opens to traffic in China... but it will only hold the title for five years | Mail Online: "The engineering feat will only hold the record as the longest sea bridge for a few years - it will be beaten by another Chinese bridge in the next decade.

A bridge over misty waters: The immense £1billion structure which is supported by more than 5,000 pillars stretches for 24 miles along China's eastern port city of Qingdao to the offshore island Huangdao
Last December officials announced workers had begun constructing a bridge to link southern Guangdong province with Hong Kong and Macau. Set to be completed in 2016, officials said the £6.5billion bridge will span nearly 30 miles. It will be designed to cope with earthquakes up to magnitude 8.0, strong typhoons and the impact of a 300,000 tonne vessel.
But both structures will still be dwarfed by the longest bridge in the world, also in China.
The Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge is an astonishing 102 miles in length."


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