Medical Doctor, Ob-Gyn,
Senator - PR Senate 2000-2004
Statehood Grassroots Activist
Federal Affairs & Health Consultant, Government Relations, Public Speaker, Political Analyst, PR Statehood Advocate, Physician, 2013-Present
Over 2000 Hours of Continued Medical Education
Medical Doctor OB-GYN University of Madrid, Spain, 1968
High School : Rochefort, France
Pre-Medical Studies
Marymount College, Barcelona, Spain
University of Maryland, Munich, Germany
University of P.R, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Doctor in Medicine, Madrid, Spain
Co-Chair of State of API Florida Explore Offshore
Volunteer in Rick Scott's Campaign for the US Senate
Representative for Rick Scott at the 2017 Elections Recount
Member of the Orange County Republican Committee, Orlando, Fla
Committewoman Precinct 113
Volunteer in Rick Scott's Campaign for the US Senate
Representative for Rick Scott at the 2017 Elections Recount
Member of the Orange County Republican Committee, Orlando, Fla
Committewoman Precinct 113
- Honorary President of the Republican Movement of Puerto Rico
- Part Time Volunteer at Palm Lake Elementary School, Orlando, Fla
Advisor to the Hon. Jorge Santini, Mayor of the capital of Puerto Rico, San Juan,
Served as advisor on Federal, Health and Legislative Affairs
for the Honorable Jorge Santini, Mayor of San Juan, the Capital of Puerto Rico.
Mayor accomplishments include obtaining Federal property deed for “Casa
Cuna” and other support from the Federal agencies to develop an area with
multiple functions and buildings to give support, house and protect battered
mothers and children
Instrumental in identifying resources for the financing of
community projects for the city of San Juan. Duties involve expert advice on
the availability and quality of the San Juan Health Services, which serve a
population of over 500,000 qualifying citizens.
Former advisor to the Hon. Jose Aponte, Speaker of the Puerto Rico
House of Representatives
Served as advisor on Federal and Legislative Affairs to the
Honorable Jose Aponte, President of the Puerto Rico House of Representatives.
Duties involved monitoring Federal Legislation pertinent to issues affecting
Puerto Rico, and analyzing and proposing local legislation. It also involved
participation in public hearings, public debates, and representing or speaking
on behalf of the President of the House.
Former advisor to the Hon. Jenniffer Gonzalez, as former President
of the House Committee on Government and Speaker of the House
Served as advisor on Federal and Legislative Affairs for the
Honorable Jennifer Gonzalez, President of the House Committee on. Duties
involved monitoring of Federal Legislation relevant to issues affecting Puerto
Rico, and analyzing and proposing local legislation. Duties included site
visits to health, governmental agencies, and military facilities to evaluate or
investigate their services.
Former advisor to Hon. Pedro Rossello, State Senator and Former
Governor of Puerto Rico
Pro-bono advisor on Federal Issues, Health, and Legislative
Affairs to State Senator and Former Governor Pedro Rossello. Named as pro-bono
advisor to the Joint Commission on Health – Puerto Rico Legislature in 2005.
Senator At Large, Puerto Rico State Senate, 2001 – 2004
As State Senator for Puerto Rico, became the leading advocate of
National Defense and military service, promoting legislation to support the
permanence of Naval Training in Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Promoted legislation to improve education and health services.
Recognized leader of support for the United States and its symbols, such as the
US flag, the Constitution and the American system of Democracy.
During tenure, participated in various conferences of leadership
groups, including the Conference of State Legislatures, NHSL, and other
Hispanic Leadership groups. As Senator, visited various states, including Utah
and Alaska. Supported oil exploration in Alaska and visited Prudhoe Bay during
a conference of State Legislators.
As the Minority Chair of the Senate Committee on Health, visited
the Dominican Republic and Haiti and raised funds, clothing and food relief for
victims of the flood disaster of 2004. Was the first foreign visitor to arrive
to the affected region. Established a relationship with local
governmental and religious leaders, including the Santo Domingo Cardinal and
the President elect Lionel Fernandez.
Invited as special guest to the Inaugural Ceremony and events
related to the swearing in of President Lionel Fernandez of the Dominican
As an incumbent Senator, ran unsuccessfully for Resident
Commissioner from Puerto Rico to the US Congress in 2003
Advisor to Governor of Puerto Rico, Office of Puerto Rico
Federal Affairs 1999 - 2000
Monitored information sources produced by government departments,
think-tanks, non-government organizations (NGOs) and other bodies in order to
keep the Governor informed of any developments related to their field of
· Conferred with legislators and officials to emphasize supposed weaknesses or merits of specific bills to influence passage, defeat, or amendment of measure, or introduction of legislation more favorable to Puerto Rico interests.
· Conferred with legislators and officials to emphasize supposed weaknesses or merits of specific bills to influence passage, defeat, or amendment of measure, or introduction of legislation more favorable to Puerto Rico interests.
Director of Maternal and Children Health Services, 1971 – 1998
Served full-time as a Director of Maternal and Children Health
Services in two regions of Puerto Rico. Responsible for the research,
development, and implementation of an action plan for the delivery of health
services for mothers and children.
Supervised over 300 employees, including physicians, nurses,
health sciences and other supportive professional and office personnel.
Performed clinical work in as part time limited private practice
during the years 1971 to 1998.
· Invited Professor on Maternal Health and Advocacy for the University of Puerto Rico - Medical Sciences - Public Health
· Invited Professor on Maternal Health and Advocacy for the University of Puerto Rico - Medical Sciences - Public Health
DACOWITZ, Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services
President George H. W. Bush’s administration, 1989 - 1993
· Appointed by the Secretary of Defense
· Committee met twice a year to discuss issues related to women in the armed services stationed in various military installations. Visits were made regularly to the various military installations to interview servicewomen.
· Successfully persuaded Armed Forces representatives to revise standards of physical fitness for service women after pregnancy as well as to allow more recovery time for service women to return to full military active duty after delivery.
· Stressed the importance of breast feeding for women in the services. Received first-hand and on- site information regarding the lives of women in the services. Held multiple interviews and conversations with service women to learn how to improve their quality of life.
· Appointed by the Secretary of Defense
· Committee met twice a year to discuss issues related to women in the armed services stationed in various military installations. Visits were made regularly to the various military installations to interview servicewomen.
· Successfully persuaded Armed Forces representatives to revise standards of physical fitness for service women after pregnancy as well as to allow more recovery time for service women to return to full military active duty after delivery.
· Stressed the importance of breast feeding for women in the services. Received first-hand and on- site information regarding the lives of women in the services. Held multiple interviews and conversations with service women to learn how to improve their quality of life.
Maternal and Child Health Research Grants Review Committee
President Ronald Reagan Administration, 1984 - 1989
Appointed by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services
· Appointed as member of the Maternal and Child Health Research Grants Review Committee, by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mrs. Margaret Heckler.
· The Committee approved proposals for research grants which today are the standards of practice and required protocols to improve maternal and child health and mortality. Highlighted research projects include the proper use of infant car seats and pre-natal testing for spina bifida.
· Appointed as member of the Maternal and Child Health Research Grants Review Committee, by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mrs. Margaret Heckler.
· The Committee approved proposals for research grants which today are the standards of practice and required protocols to improve maternal and child health and mortality. Highlighted research projects include the proper use of infant car seats and pre-natal testing for spina bifida.
State Medical Board of Puerto Rico
Appointed by Governor Pedro Rossello, confirmed by the Senate of Puerto Rico
· Responsibilities included administering state exams, certifying medical specialties, certifying continuing medical education, certifying medical schools in Puerto Rico and abroad, investigating complaints against physicians, and advising the State Government on Health issues pertaining to the community amongst other
· Responsibilities included administering state exams, certifying medical specialties, certifying continuing medical education, certifying medical schools in Puerto Rico and abroad, investigating complaints against physicians, and advising the State Government on Health issues pertaining to the community amongst other
Vice President of the New Progressive Party,
Elected by Party Members, 2005 – 2008
· Elected Vice President of the New Progressive Party in Puerto Rico, actual governing party in Puerto Rico, against two incumbent members of the House Representatives. The New Progressive Party has governed 20 of the last 38 years in Puerto Rico and has over 1,000,000 voters. It also won the majority of municipalities, legislature and the position of Resident Commissioner in Congress in the 2004 election. Resigned to pursue other ventures after the 2008 elections.
Elected by Party Members, 2005 – 2008
· Elected Vice President of the New Progressive Party in Puerto Rico, actual governing party in Puerto Rico, against two incumbent members of the House Representatives. The New Progressive Party has governed 20 of the last 38 years in Puerto Rico and has over 1,000,000 voters. It also won the majority of municipalities, legislature and the position of Resident Commissioner in Congress in the 2004 election. Resigned to pursue other ventures after the 2008 elections.
Grassroots Pro-Navy Effort to Support Naval Training in Vieques,
· Led the Grassroots Pro-Navy Effort to support Naval Training in Vieques, Puerto Rico during the years 2000 to 2003. Worked closely with Senator Inhoffe and Senator Warner to preserve military training during critical terrorist events that were shaking the Nation.
· Led the Grassroots Pro-Navy Effort to support Naval Training in Vieques, Puerto Rico during the years 2000 to 2003. Worked closely with Senator Inhoffe and Senator Warner to preserve military training during critical terrorist events that were shaking the Nation.
United States Delegation to the 1989 San Salvador elections,
Appointed by President George H.W. Bush as his representative, 1989
· Appointed by President George H.W Bush to represent him as observer in the United States delegation to the 1989 San Salvador elections. This election was held under very dangerous and difficult circumstances with extreme security due to the fact that El Salvador was undergoing a democratic process to end years of civil unrest and revolutionary activity. The delegation visited the whole country utilizing all means of military transportation. Served as improvised Spanish translator for the delegation. Members of that Delegation included Senators Jon Kyl and Mitch McConnell.
Appointed by President George H.W. Bush as his representative, 1989
· Appointed by President George H.W Bush to represent him as observer in the United States delegation to the 1989 San Salvador elections. This election was held under very dangerous and difficult circumstances with extreme security due to the fact that El Salvador was undergoing a democratic process to end years of civil unrest and revolutionary activity. The delegation visited the whole country utilizing all means of military transportation. Served as improvised Spanish translator for the delegation. Members of that Delegation included Senators Jon Kyl and Mitch McConnell.
Cheyenne Mountain and NORAD Facility visit
Invited by the US Navy
Selected by the US Navy to visit Cheyenne Mountain and the North
American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), a bi-national United States
organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace
control for North America. Received first hand instruction on the most
sophisticated systems of defense available to protect the United States. Got a
first glimpse of the then research project which developed the patriot missiles.
Puerto Ricans in Civic Action, Founder and President,
Founder and President
of Puerto Ricans in Civic Action, a not-for-profit organization, credited with
legislation approved in the US House of Representatives for Self-Determination
for Puerto Rico.
· Promoted grassroots activism, whose spark and inspiration initiated today’s serious and continuing discussion process on the self determination of Puerto Rico, both in Puerto Rico and the United States. This process involves not only political parties and elected officials, but civic groups and direct participation of the people of Puerto Rico.
· Motivated by the patriotic sacrifice of our soldiers, presided, organized and directed a 10,000 citizens march in Puerto Rico under the organization " Support our Troops Committee " during the First Gulf War.
· Invited numerous times by President George H. W. Bush Sr. to visit and meet with him in the Oval Office during his Presidency and Vice Presidency tenure.
· As a deponent in many Congressional hearings held in the Senate and House, and as a representative of the people of Puerto Rico, fought on issues such as special tax benefits (Section 936) awarded to Puerto Rico. The GAO and Brookings Institute recently presented studies which confirm our then allegations on the negative effect of special tax benefits, both for Puerto Rico and the United States, during the 1980’s and 1990’s.
· Intensively and successfully lobbied and educated Congress and the United States people against the discredited Section 936 (special tax code (break) called by one of the groups advisors as Corporate Welfare. This name was heard loud and clear in all the United States, and resulted in the elimination of this onerous tax break by Congress. It is currently in the process of being phased out.
· Directed a signed Petition drive in PR which collected more than 350,000 individually signed petitions for statehood for Puerto Rico. These were delivered to the US Congress and the White House resulting in the introduction of various bills for self determination, including one in the House and Senate in 1988, the most important being the “Young” Bill.
· Successfully achieved the progress of the Young Bill through the US House to provide a process for Self Determination, which culminated in a final vote on the House floor.
· Successfully challenged the intention of the government of Puerto Rico under Gov. Hernandez Colon, to sign a Tax Sparing Treaty with Japan. This challenge resulted in an immediate order by the US State Department which deprived the government of Hernandez Colon, to go forward with said negotiations. This challenge resulted in an immediate order by the US State Department which deprived the government of Hernandez Colon, to go forward with said negotiations.
· Convinced President George H.W. Bush to support Statehood for Puerto Rico in his fist State of the union Message in 1989.
· Convinced President Bush and worked with the White House during the years 1989-1992 to derogate the Kennedy Memorandum with the Bush Memorandum recognizing Puerto Rico as a territory of the United States.
· Challenged successfully PR independence advocate to renounce US citizenship and create a Puerto Rico citizenship. Efforts resulted in Mari Bras’ renunciation being revoked by the US State Department.
· Has represented Puerto Rico on the Platform Committee of the National Republican Party since the 1980’s and is the author of the present language for Puerto Rico which she has defended and has been untouched for various decades.
Presidential Advisory Committee for Presidential Appointments
Appointed by the Transition Committee
· Selected by the Transition Committee as Member of the Presidential Advisory Committee for Presidential Appointments in January of 1989. Assisted in the selection of nominees for Presidential appointments including candidates for Federal Judge.
· Promoted grassroots activism, whose spark and inspiration initiated today’s serious and continuing discussion process on the self determination of Puerto Rico, both in Puerto Rico and the United States. This process involves not only political parties and elected officials, but civic groups and direct participation of the people of Puerto Rico.
· Motivated by the patriotic sacrifice of our soldiers, presided, organized and directed a 10,000 citizens march in Puerto Rico under the organization " Support our Troops Committee " during the First Gulf War.
· Invited numerous times by President George H. W. Bush Sr. to visit and meet with him in the Oval Office during his Presidency and Vice Presidency tenure.
· As a deponent in many Congressional hearings held in the Senate and House, and as a representative of the people of Puerto Rico, fought on issues such as special tax benefits (Section 936) awarded to Puerto Rico. The GAO and Brookings Institute recently presented studies which confirm our then allegations on the negative effect of special tax benefits, both for Puerto Rico and the United States, during the 1980’s and 1990’s.
· Intensively and successfully lobbied and educated Congress and the United States people against the discredited Section 936 (special tax code (break) called by one of the groups advisors as Corporate Welfare. This name was heard loud and clear in all the United States, and resulted in the elimination of this onerous tax break by Congress. It is currently in the process of being phased out.
· Directed a signed Petition drive in PR which collected more than 350,000 individually signed petitions for statehood for Puerto Rico. These were delivered to the US Congress and the White House resulting in the introduction of various bills for self determination, including one in the House and Senate in 1988, the most important being the “Young” Bill.
· Successfully achieved the progress of the Young Bill through the US House to provide a process for Self Determination, which culminated in a final vote on the House floor.
· Successfully challenged the intention of the government of Puerto Rico under Gov. Hernandez Colon, to sign a Tax Sparing Treaty with Japan. This challenge resulted in an immediate order by the US State Department which deprived the government of Hernandez Colon, to go forward with said negotiations. This challenge resulted in an immediate order by the US State Department which deprived the government of Hernandez Colon, to go forward with said negotiations.
· Convinced President George H.W. Bush to support Statehood for Puerto Rico in his fist State of the union Message in 1989.
· Convinced President Bush and worked with the White House during the years 1989-1992 to derogate the Kennedy Memorandum with the Bush Memorandum recognizing Puerto Rico as a territory of the United States.
· Challenged successfully PR independence advocate to renounce US citizenship and create a Puerto Rico citizenship. Efforts resulted in Mari Bras’ renunciation being revoked by the US State Department.
· Has represented Puerto Rico on the Platform Committee of the National Republican Party since the 1980’s and is the author of the present language for Puerto Rico which she has defended and has been untouched for various decades.
Presidential Advisory Committee for Presidential Appointments
Appointed by the Transition Committee
· Selected by the Transition Committee as Member of the Presidential Advisory Committee for Presidential Appointments in January of 1989. Assisted in the selection of nominees for Presidential appointments including candidates for Federal Judge.
Puerto Rico College of Physicians
· Former President of the Public Health Medical Faculty in Mayagüez, PR
· Former Delegate, Puerto Rico Medical Association
· Former Member, PR Women's Medical Association
· Former President, Medical Doctor's Wives (Central Region)
· Former President of the Public Health Medical Faculty in Mayagüez, PR
· Former Delegate, Puerto Rico Medical Association
· Former Member, PR Women's Medical Association
· Former President, Medical Doctor's Wives (Central Region)
Appointed Member of the VHS/AIDS Planning Board, Grantee is the
City of SJ.
· Founding Board Member, for over 15 years, of Estancia Corazon, a multi-disciplinary organization for AIDS patients, drug rehabilitation, and social work in the Mayagüez area. This charity work, which gives medical assistance, hospitalization, lodging, food, clothing, and other basic needs, was begun before AIDS was identified and targeted for government and public funding.
· Was elected President of two different Altrusa Clubs in Puerto Rico and received many awards and recognitions for charity work and volunteer public service for the needy.
· Active volunteer work for the American Red Cross in Puerto Rico. Participated in relief efforts during hurricanes and other disasters.
· Elected Council Director for the Navy League, 1991
· Member Board of Directors, Southwestern Community School, 1982 – 1983
· Vice President, Foundation for Democracy, 1986
· Founding Board Member, for over 15 years, of Estancia Corazon, a multi-disciplinary organization for AIDS patients, drug rehabilitation, and social work in the Mayagüez area. This charity work, which gives medical assistance, hospitalization, lodging, food, clothing, and other basic needs, was begun before AIDS was identified and targeted for government and public funding.
· Was elected President of two different Altrusa Clubs in Puerto Rico and received many awards and recognitions for charity work and volunteer public service for the needy.
· Active volunteer work for the American Red Cross in Puerto Rico. Participated in relief efforts during hurricanes and other disasters.
· Elected Council Director for the Navy League, 1991
· Member Board of Directors, Southwestern Community School, 1982 – 1983
· Vice President, Foundation for Democracy, 1986
- Selected by the Newspaper USA Today to appear in their special issue on the Constitution’s Bicentennial, in recognition of nationwide effort in favor of the United States Constitutional Rights.·
- Who's Who of American Women
- Who's Who in the South and Southwest
- World's Who's Who of Women
- Tio Award for Civism
- Distinguished in Politics Award, El Nuevo Dia newspaper
- Distinguished in Politics Award, Women Civics Club of Aguadilla, PR
- Sultana Award, American Women’s Club, Mayaguez, PR
- Recognized by the Prestigious Women Civics Club of PR as woman of the year in politics.
- Invited by the Prestigious Kennedy School of Government in Boston, to participate as guest speaker in forum on Puerto Rico
Presently active as Republican leader in Puerto Rico &
National Politic
Honorary President of the Republican Movement of Puerto Rico
· Represented Puerto Rico on the Platform Committee of the National Republican Party from the 1980’s to 2004. Author of the present language for Puerto Rico, defended in all conventions since the 80’s and has been untouched for various decades.
Honorary President of the Republican Movement of Puerto Rico
· Represented Puerto Rico on the Platform Committee of the National Republican Party from the 1980’s to 2004. Author of the present language for Puerto Rico, defended in all conventions since the 80’s and has been untouched for various decades.
RNC Committee-Woman for the Republican Party of Puerto Rico -
Elected and served as National Committeewoman for the Republican Party of Puerto
Rico from 1981-1985.
· Elected as delegate to Republican Conventions, serving in the Platform Committee, under the leadership of Senator Frist in 2004.
· Founder and President of the National Federation of Republican Women in Puerto Rico.
· Member of the Host Committee Bush - Cheney 2004 in Puerto Rico, which raised over $300,000 for the Bush 2004 campaign.
· Member of George W. Bush Presidential Exploratory and Campaign Committee
· Delegate to the 2004 GOP Convention – Platform Committee
· Delegate to the 2000 GOP Convention – Platform Committee
· Member, Bush 2000 Presidential Primary Campaign – Campaign Committee, PR
· Delegate for Pres. George H. Bush - Republican 1992 Convention: Platform Committee
· Delegate for George H. Bush - Republican 1988 Convention : Platform Committee
· Delegate for Reagan-Bush - Republican 1984 Convention : Rules Committee
· Co-Chairman for Puerto Rico - Bush 92 Presidential Primary Campaign
· Co-Chairman for Puerto Rico - Bush 88 Presidential Primary Campaign
· Co-Chairman for Puerto Rico - Bush 80 Presidential Primary Campaign
· Chairman for Puerto Rico - President Bush 1989 Presidential Inaugural Committee
· Elected as delegate to Republican Conventions, serving in the Platform Committee, under the leadership of Senator Frist in 2004.
· Founder and President of the National Federation of Republican Women in Puerto Rico.
· Member of the Host Committee Bush - Cheney 2004 in Puerto Rico, which raised over $300,000 for the Bush 2004 campaign.
· Member of George W. Bush Presidential Exploratory and Campaign Committee
· Delegate to the 2004 GOP Convention – Platform Committee
· Delegate to the 2000 GOP Convention – Platform Committee
· Member, Bush 2000 Presidential Primary Campaign – Campaign Committee, PR
· Delegate for Pres. George H. Bush - Republican 1992 Convention: Platform Committee
· Delegate for George H. Bush - Republican 1988 Convention : Platform Committee
· Delegate for Reagan-Bush - Republican 1984 Convention : Rules Committee
· Co-Chairman for Puerto Rico - Bush 92 Presidential Primary Campaign
· Co-Chairman for Puerto Rico - Bush 88 Presidential Primary Campaign
· Co-Chairman for Puerto Rico - Bush 80 Presidential Primary Campaign
· Chairman for Puerto Rico - President Bush 1989 Presidential Inaugural Committee
More Inf on Request.