Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Jose Baez was responsible for the verdict of not guilty for the death of Caylee
By Cynthia Lopez Caban End.cynthia.lopez @ elnuevodia.com
Until recently an unknown lawyer, Jose Baez today rose to fame this afternoon by getting a jury in Florida to find Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee.
But who is Jose Baez?
Baez was born in Puerto Rico and raised in the Bronx, NY, and Homestead, in the state of the Florida, according to the journalist Iza Montalvo, Orlando.
Terra.com and Imperfectparent.com. portals do not provide details of his childhood, but it is said that Baez left school in ninth grade. At 17 he married, he completed high school and enlisted in the Marines.
After his military career, he went to college and holds a BA from Florida State University, later he obtained his Juris Doctor at the St. Thomas University of Miami School of Law.
Although he graduated in 1997, the Bar Association of Florida denied him admission until 2005.
Univision journalist, in Florida, Iris Berrios, told El Nuevo Dia that Baez also represented Nilton Diaz. The man who was accused of the death of Noeris Vázquez Silva, 25 months, granddaughter of Puerto Rican boxing champion Wilfredo Vazquez. "He has been criticized for his 'background'. It was said that this case was too big for him. Berrios said in a telephone interview.
Criticism arose because Baez, 42, studied law at a university with little prestige. It does not help either that he has had economic problems, such as bankruptcy and almost losing his home. "This case is his springboard to success," said Berrios. Minutes before, Baez sent greetings and thanked his mother through the television cameras.

1 comment:

  1. Was CNN's article on Jose Baez discriminatory?

    Is "Bozo" a new way to describe a latino? Is it like calling President Barack Obama a muslim?

    I believe that the article is discriminatory.
    For example in the article it reads,"Like his clients, Baez has acquired a few scuffs and dings. He was born in Puerto Rico in 1969..."

    How is being Puerto Rican a scuff and a ding on someone? Could it be that it is a scuff and a ding to CNN if an applicant applying for a job at CNN is Puerto Rican? I hope not.

    Here is the article. Read it for yourself:http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/07/06/jose.baez.anthony.lawyer/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
