Wednesday, August 21, 2019


 sábado, 15 de junio de 2019 - 11:30 PM -Por José A. Delgado

Gobierno cabildea en privado para hacer cambios a lenguaje aprobado por comité de la Cámara federal. Reclaman detalles sobre el impacto de los beneficios que tienen las empresas foráneas en la isla

“El gobierno de Puerto Rico cabildeó para tratar de hacer cambios al lenguaje aprobado por el Comité de Asignaciones de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos, que reclama conocer el impacto de los beneficios tributarios federales que reciben las empresas foráneas en la isla, y las leyes puertorriqueñas 20 y 22, según fuentes del Congreso".

Informes que el Congreso solicitará sobre la Evasión Contributiva en PR: - p.9

Dept of the Treasury: “ Puerto Rico.—Within 90 days of the date of enactment of this Act, the Department is directed to submit a report to the Committee describing how the Department has used its authority to provide technical assistance to Puerto Rico in fiscal year 2019 and how the Department plans to use its authority in fiscal year 2020. Controlled Foreign Corporations.—

The Committee directs the Department to submit a report within 90 days of the enactment of this Act detailing the amounts of taxes avoided by companies that establish and operate controlled foreign corporations in Puerto Rico during the past five years, as well as the amount of territorial and local taxes paid, the amount of sales per year, and the number of jobs created on the island.

IRS P.24: “Tax Avoidance.—The Committee is concerned by the interplay between new territorial tax laws (Puerto Rico Acts 20 and 22 of 2012) and section 933 of the U.S. Code that enables tax avoidance and denies revenues to Federal, state, and territorial governments, including Puerto Rico. Therefore, the Committee directs the IRS to submit a report within 180 days of enactment of this Act that pro- vides the number of individuals and businesses that have relocated from each state and the District of Columbia to Puerto Rico since 2012 and have been granted tax exemptions under Puerto Rico Acts 20 and 22. The report should include the amount of Federal taxes paid by such individuals and businesses by type of tax and jurisdiction of former residences during each of the five years prior to their move.

In addition, the Committee directs the IRS to publish a report in a user-friendly format with possible options and policies that would minimize the revenue losses to the Federal, state, and territorial governments.” 

Se debe apoyar la iniciativa del Representante Quiquito Meléndez de investigar al cabildero principal del GPR: 

Véase Copia de Querella y Solicitud de Investigación al IRS:

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