Monday, March 16, 2020


Task Force Discuss Guidelines for Americans

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This afternoon, we are announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus. Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread and transmission of the virus.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “My administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel,and avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus.”

DR. DEBORAH BIRX: “We now need to appeal to every single American so that they can have their role in stopping the spread of this virus.”

DR. DEBORAH BIRX: “If you are sick, no matter who you are, please stay home. If someone in your household is diagnosed with this virus, the entire household should quarantine in the house to prevent spread of the virus to others.”

DR. DEBORAH BIRX: “Now, to our older population or those with pre-existing medical conditions, everyone in the household needs to focus on protecting them. Everyone in the household.”

DR. DEBORAH BIRX: “I want to speak to particularly to our largest generation now, our millennials... They are the core group that will stop this virus. They’re the group that communicates successfully, independent of picking up a phone. They intuitively know how to contact each other without being in large social gatherings. We’re asking all of them to hold their gatherings to under 10 people.”

NIAID DIRECTOR FAUCI: “In states with evidence of community transmission -- bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I’m also pleased to report today that a vaccine candidate has begun the phase one clinical trial. This is one of the fastest vaccine development launches in history – not even close.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We are also racing to develop antiviral therapies and other treatments. And we’ve had some promising results, early results, but promising to reduce the severity and the duration of the symptoms.”


VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “Very productive call today with governors. We talked about the new rollout testing that we described yesterday – drive through and community-based testing.”

ASSISTANT SECRETARY ADM. GIROIR: “We’re now moving into a phase that the big commercial laboratories with high-throughput screening have availability. So, as we talked about last week, because of the historic efforts of the FDA, a Roche test and, as the President predicted, a Thermo Fisher test were both produced last week under an emergency use authorization. 1.9 million of those tests will be sequentially into the ecosystem this week.”

“Are you considering instituting a nationwide lockdown, a nationwide
quarantine? The NSC knocked that down but there’s still some questions about how it all came to be.”

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “At this point, not nationwide. But -- well there are some, you know, some places in our nation that are not very affected at all. But we, we may look at certain areas, certain hotspots, as they call them, we’ll be looking at that. But at this moment, no, we’re not.”


VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “We want to make sure that our healthcare workers have the opportunity to be tested. And using that new high throughput test that the President arranged with our major commercial labs, we’ll be able to do that much more expeditiously.”

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: “America can be absolutely certain that the President and our entire team are going to continue to put the health of America first, and put first our healthcare workers across this country that are meeting the needs of the people of our country.”


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “As far as the airlines are concerned, the airlines, we’re going to back the airlines 100%. It’s not their fault. It’s nobody’s fault unless you  go to the original source, but it’s nobody’s fault. And we’re going to be in a position to help the airlines very much. We’ve told the airlines we’re going to help them.”

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