Tuesday, February 19, 2019


by Miriam J Ramirez  MD

May 22, 1986

Honorable Chairman of the House Interior and Insular Committee, Mr. Morris Udall;

Honorable Members of this Committee; Distinguished Staff Members; Invited Guests and Friends. My name is Miriam Ramiez de Ferrer, I am a medical doctor, and president and founder of a non-partisan grassroots movement, called Puerto Ricans in Civic Action, which gathers individually signed petitions for statehood. We have already · delivered over 2 0,000 petitions to Congress. 5 It is a great privilege to be able to testify here again before this honorable Committee on behalf of my fellow citizens back home in Puerto Rico.

We also wish to express our most sincere appreciation to Congressman Morris Udall for his invitation to testify during these hearings. Issues affecting Puerto Rico and its economy have been discussed in Congress since the beginning of the century, and it is our most sincere wish that the present hearings will generate positive action. At previous hearings, witnesses have talked about the symptoms, but have not grappled with the cause of our economic illness, which is the creation, over the past 35 years, of a monstrous welfare state.

We have been drawing on the United States economy, which has resulted in increasing dependence, lack of incentives to work, save, and invest. We have a giant government bureaucracy which employs one third of the Puerto 1 Rican or force. The string of government enterprises runs the range of I maritime tr ansport to unprofitable sugar mills which devour huge annual government subsidies. It is an economy without direction, slanted towards state socialism.

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