Re-Inventing People-Powered Politics
SignOn.org is an online campaign platform from MoveOn.org—the folks who helped invent Internet organizing and have been on the cutting edge of online, people-powered politics since we were founded in 1998. SignOn.org blends your ideas and passions with MoveOn's years of expertise running online campaigns. Our cutting-edge tools and in-depth trainings help individuals and organizations start campaigns on any issue that's important to them. We provide tools to create petitions, strategies to build those petitions into powerful, winning campaigns, and the ability to keep the momentum building over time.
More: http://www.signon.org/about.html
More: http://www.signon.org/about.html
Success Stories

Fighting Student Loan Debt
Robert Applebaum, an attorney in New York, started a SignOn.org petition calling for student loan forgiveness and it spread quickly, gathering more than half a million signatures. Then, something amazing happened. President Obama responded—not with a form letter, but with an actual change in policy that will lower student loan payments for over 1.6 million people.Robert is now working with Rep. Hansen Clarke (D-MI) to provide even greater relief for students in debt. As Rep. Clarke said about Robert's petition, "With this massive show of grassroots support, I decided to introduce the legislation. I'm living proof: Online petitions work."Justice for Kenneth Chamberlain
When 68-year-old veteran Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. was shot and killed in his apartment by police responding to a call from his medical alert service, his son assumed there would be an investigation.
After months of waiting, Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. started a petition on SignOn.org to ask for one. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, the petition received over 200,000 signatures and national media coverage. The White Plains mayor finally issued condolences to the family, and Kenneth Jr. continues to fight for justice for his own father as well as the reforms necessary to prevent future injustices.
After months of waiting, Kenneth Chamberlain Jr. started a petition on SignOn.org to ask for one. In the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting, the petition received over 200,000 signatures and national media coverage. The White Plains mayor finally issued condolences to the family, and Kenneth Jr. continues to fight for justice for his own father as well as the reforms necessary to prevent future injustices.
MORE SUCCESS STORIES : http://www.signon.org/victories.html
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