Monday, August 15, 2011

Puerto Rican Flag Featured Now Featured on U.S. Stamp - Hispanically Speaking News

This is an excellent way for many of our fellow citizens in the 50 states to understand that Puerto Rico has been part of the USA for over 100 years, and that we are all US Citizens. But, we are denied representation in Congress and are not allowed to vote for the President. Americans need to resolve this embarrassing antidemocratic abuse. MJ
Published at 5:22 am, August 14, 2011

This week the U.S. Post Office introduced its newest postage stamp featuring the Puerto Rican flag and the San Pedrito bird with the island’s mountain as the back drop.  Other stamp flags were also introduced this week. 
These new stamps are part of the “Forever stamps” series which means you can use on a first-class letter even if postal rates go up. 
The stamp was debuted in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico with Puerto Rico’s Secretary of State and Commissioner in attendance. 
Last year the postal office also honored Puerto Rico with a stamp commemorating Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos. 

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