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Miriam J Ramírez MD Former Puerto Rico Senator |
April 26, 2020
Of course, we the US Citizens in Puerto Rico want manufacturing & business in PR so we can prosper....
BUT, for almost a century, the CFC's (Controlled Foreign Corps) have lobbied to keep Puerto Rico as "foreign" so they can use it as an offshore tax paradise (where the citizens pay taxes, but the CFC's do not pay US or PR taxes) makiang it a a heavy load for the taxpayers inPR and preventing the US Citizens in Puerto Rico to incorporate into the political & economic system of the USA & eventually achieve the admission of Puerto Rico as a state.
This has been the main reason of Puerto Rico's present serious economic situation AND IT's A SCAM TO THE US TAXPAYER!
That is what keeps Puerto Rico in poverty! Most of the people they employ are part time, with no rights, so they have to depend on US welfare to make ends meet. The CFC's also add to their Puerto Rico operating expenses, all benefits & expenses they have from all over the world! For this reason I was able to convince Congress, years ago, to eliminate Sec 936.
Now they are trying to get it back, using the COVID-19 and the "need to make medicines in the USA" as a lobbying weapon to put political pressure in Congress & the USA to bring it back!
They are using " bring medicine manufacturing home", because they don't want to pay IRS or PR taxes. For that, they need to keep PR as foreign! PR will be their exclusive tax free offshore paradise, (not for the residents), which denies citizen's rights for the US citizens in Puerto Rico..
Now they are trying to get it back, using the COVID-19 and the "need to make medicines in the USA" as a lobbying weapon to put political pressure in Congress & the USA to bring it back!
They are using " bring medicine manufacturing home", because they don't want to pay IRS or PR taxes. For that, they need to keep PR as foreign! PR will be their exclusive tax free offshore paradise, (not for the residents), which denies citizen's rights for the US citizens in Puerto Rico..
We the US Citizens in Puerto Rico, do not have Congressmen or vote for the President, we have not clout, no political power, and NO money to fight against the most powerful force in the world!
What we need is for the PRESIDENT OF THE US, Donald Trump, and the US CONGRESS to help us get these BIG POWERFUL CORPORATIONS to use their political and economic power, to help us enter immediately into a transition period, introduced by a BILL in House & Senate, and approved BY CONGRESS, with a DEFINED & REAL TRANSITION of PUERTO RICO to Statehood!
We then would support that Congress allow for companies to have SPECIAL TAX PRIVILEGES in PR for a determined number of years for the new state to develop a solid economy! I believe this has been done in other areas.
We have a right and demand to be treated as US Citizens, under the same rules as if in another state. PLEASE !! No more CORPORATE WELFARE IN PR at the expense of disenfranchizing millions of US citizens.. Let the companies come to Puerto Rico & pay taxes as they do in the other states.
*You can find more on this topic by searching the blog for: CFC, Offshore Tax Paradise.....
-- *You can find more on this topic by searching the blog for: CFC, Offshore Tax Paradise.....
About Miriam J Ramirez MD
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