Thursday, April 11, 2013


VOXXI - Obama proposes new plebiscite on status for Puerto Rico

HUFFINGTON LATINO POLITICS Puerto Rico Status Vote Proposed By White House

ABC NEWS - US Seeks to Fund New Puerto Rico Status Plebiscite

CARIBBEAN BUSINESS PR status plebiscite in Obama budget

SUN SENTINEL Puerto Rico retoma el asunto del estatus tras asignación económica para consulta

1 comment:

  1. SENT BY: DENNIS FREYTES ----------------------
    President’s Obama's Proposal on Puerto Rico Status
    US President Obama’s “PR Political Status Funding Proposal” that provides Puerto Rico’s Elections’ Commission (CEE) $2.5 million for a local Plebiscite, has some political distortions and problems.

    The Proposal, which is better than nothing:
    1. Doesn't call Puerto Rico (PR) by its constitutional name: US Territory....; it uses Commonwealth/ ELA-Free Associated State (which isn’t PR’s Status), but, are words Congress made up for the local Government it allows. (These terms, not found in the US Constitution, are esoteric political distortions that fool People as to the true un-democratic Federal Status of PR.)
    2. It maintains the un-democratic US Territory Option with a repressive statutory 2d Class US Citizenship (no vote/just representation) that Puerto Ricans rejected; and conflicts with equal civil rights amendments of the US Constitution; runs against the grain of our representative democracy…
    3. Leaves action in the hands of the local PR CEE, when it’s the responsibility of the Federal Government (Congress) to define the US Constitutional Options; ensure protected individual rights; conduct a sanctioned Plebiscite through the CEE.

    It is the duty of the Federal Government (Congress) to end political subjugation through a non-territorial self-determined Plebiscite with constitutionally defined Options that don’t distort the truth or fool Voters; let all that have “standing” Vote (born in PR with nonpermanent US Citizenship). For example:
    1. Statehood allows: US Constitution; permanent US Citizenship-all rights, responsibilities & benefits; State Sovereignty…
    2. Independence allows: PR Sovereignty; PR Constitution; PR Citizenship; ends protection and benefits of US Constitution…
    · Form of Independence (Free Association/ ELA Soberana…) allows: PR Sovereignty; PR Constitution; PR Citizenship; ends protection and benefits of US Constitution…
    · Pact can contain economic, security, health, and other benefits, but, it comes with certain duties, and responsibilities; ceding of certain sovereign rights until the Pact is terminated by either side; with no opportunity for Statehood/ permanent US Citizenship.
    *Note: A Nation can’t be sovereign or enact a pact when under the loyalty, Citizenship & Constitution of another Nation… Per US Constitution-- PR can only be: a State or Territory under the sovereignty of the US; doesn’t mention or defines: Commonwealth or Free Associated State (ELA) or Free Association or ELA Soberana. (Plus, the only two Non-Territorial statuses are: Statehood or Independence, period.)

    The complex US Territory of Puerto Rico’s equal rights quandary, that affects millions, is not only about a “Group” Vote on the status question, but, more important, it’s about protecting individual civil rights in our representative democracy-where the US Citizen should be the epicenter of our Republic, not the US Government’s un-democratic territorial control of the land…

    Puerto Rico has been the oldest US Territory in history (115+ years)! It’s time-- to stop political rhetoric, excuses, misinformation, and spins that fool People. Patriots must end Political oppression and closet bigotry; move on to advance our American Democracy; ensure equal application of the US Constitution/ US Citizenship no matter where you reside under our American Flag!
    (Dennis O. Freytes: American Veteran; Former Valencia College Trustee; Professor PMS University of Puerto Rico) Contact:; 407-298-1151
    (Please, see other enclosed comments with facts.)
