Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jon Stewart’s Jaw Drops At Romney Not Being ‘Concerned About The Very Poor’

Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Indecision 2012 - Mitt Romney on the Poor


  1. Romney's unfortunate choice of words is only surpassed by the left wing's usual stupidity in interpreting or misinterpreting them. Anyone with two interconnected neurons in his brain realizes that Romney was referring to the fact that American "poor" have an extensive support network (safety net in Romney's words) that protects them from all but the direst consequences of their actions and circumstances. I am fairly certain that many will read equally cruel meaning in my words above and the use of apostrophes around the word poor. I'm merely making reference to a recent study as to the reality of many of the poor's condition in terms of the average low income family's possesions. Yes, there are people whose income falls below the Federal "poverty" line, but many of them own cars, TVs, cell phones, expensive sports shoes and team gear. Many such US poor would rank in the upper economic tiers in some countries.

    1. Oh!.............Sure,sure,of course!! (Or: Off Course??!!! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT GOP!!!!!!
