Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yay, Puerto Rico! Where you be?

There has been a flurry of conspiracy theories regarding part one of my series on my familiarization trip to Puerto Rico. Unbeknownst to most, I have absolutely no vested interest on Puerto Rico except to share my account of the trip based on what was given for me to work with. On a personal level, I feel that Puerto Ricans are great hosts and can carry wonderful conversations over great meals. I am indebted especially to Olga Bonnin, Puerto Rico Tourism Company’s (PRTC) liaison, for being receptive during the entire trip, even though the upper tier in the hierarchy of PRTC may have not shared the same sentiment.
However, if the itinerary that the Puerto Rico Tourism Company did not represent the “real” Puerto Rico, then it is easy to argue that someone certainly did not do their job properly in organizing the trip. 

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